Thursday, February 23, 2012

take on Dutch Fashion

Leave it to the Dirty Dutch, to invent something that I didn't realize I ever needed.    The Dutch have never been confused with the fashion forward French or Italians, usually completely content looking like they dressed completely in the dark.  There is nothing about Dutch fashion which makes any sense as they have almost perfected the not-matching look.    Walk around Holland for a day and you'll see an attack on style, sensibility and color coordination..  It's not atypical to see a Dutchmen wearing a purple shirt with a pink blazer and green jean or a blue shirt with white pants and green shoes, it's as if they're competing for the circus.

But I guess you have to give them credit for just not giving a crap..  today I saw an article about a Dutch company who decided to introduce a pair of jeans with a built in keyboard..  I know that there are a ton of times in my life when I feel like I need to type something and feel that doing so directly onto my legs is the best way to do this..   

But what really gets me is that in the US, people are worried about keeping their cell-phones in their front pockets fearing that the radio waves will fry the swimmers…The difference is that in Holland where men sit cross-legged, wearing bikini briefs under  jeans so tight it looks like they were painted on, obviously sperm count isn't a real concern.    The positive thing I guess with this newest invention -which I assume is using some kind of blue-tooth technology- is that it may act as some kind of method of self-inflicted natural-selection for the fashion backwards   

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