Tuesday, October 4, 2011

take on Twin Peaks

With all these tech companies buying each other out for their patent portfolios it was only a matter of time before this entire concept hit a bit closer to home.    A lawsuit was filed in US District court earlier this week brought by the Hooters corporation against an entity called Twin Peaks for what it says are stolen trade secrets.   Now I want to make perfectly clear that we at TOR have nothing against the delightful tackiness of Hooters and although we have never frequented Twin Peaks we would go there with complete open eyes.  

I don't know anything about this case but even knowing nothing I have to agree with the Randy DeWitt, the former Hooters exec turned Twin Peaks CEO who called the lawsuit frivolous and baseless..   I'm not saying that this guy didn't possibly steal the secret sauce, copied the string with the orders on it or stole 1000000 rolls of paper-towels  but anybody who has ever been to Hooters knows it's not the wings we're coming back for and if Hooters can claim a trademark on hooters than we might as well all become Chinese.

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