Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Take on the IPhone 4S

A few years ago whenever Steve Jobs would get into his jeans and sit on that stage to announce the latest IPHONE, the tech world would stop…this month which marked the first time that Jobs hasn't been the head of the company and wasn't on stage to announce this version.  Immediately the interwebs were going crazy saying that Apple hadn't come up with anything innovative for the IPhone 4s and was in danger of losing its cache in part because it has lost its gigantic lead to the Droid phones.  Mostly people were pissed off because Apple didn't go all the way and introduce an IPhone 5 but instead went with the tweaked IPhone 4s

Now I will say this about the IPhone, it is the best piece of technology I've ever owned.. there are articles written by psychologists which suggest there is a true 'love' between man and machine when it comes specifically to the IPhone and I've yet the to meet the person who went from an IPhone to a Droid and didn't have buyers regret.    Yeah maybe the IOS platform is losing ground in terms of sales to the Android one but there is still something to be said for the functionality, the look and form factor and the feel of an IPhone.    

The second question is..who the hell owns all these Androids?   I easily know 50 people who have IPhones and know exactly 1 who has an Android and she'll tell you it has the functionality of a brick (and is about the size of one).

So until I see people actually giving up their IPhones, I don't think Apple should be too worried

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