Sunday, September 18, 2011

Taking on the newspaper 'recycler'

I am all for recycling. I believe in my bones that we live in a wastefull place and we should do a much better job reusing things that still have value or avoiding things that are only adding to our carbon footprint. Whether it is plastic bodega bags or plastic bottles we go to great pains to make sure they don't end up in our normal trash With newspapers i am always a bit more torn If i have a copy that i am reading on a train or in a coffee shop, I try to leave it behind for another patron to enjoy. Knowing that this will be my intention I also will make sure to leave it in good readable shape and expect others to do the same. I am Ok if you did the crossword but if you drop an egg and cheese face down on the sports section then do us all a favor and drop it in the trash There is a very tight line between leaving a paper for reuse and plain littering
See this is where people suck, today I sit down in the bagel shop and see somebody left a copy of the Sunday Times. I flip through it and I realize that the previous owner culled out any of the decent sections an left a heap of liberal crap in its place. Gone were the Front Page, the Week in Review, the metro section and the sports pages while they left the car section, the arts section and that one about the mutual funds

Thanks a lot litterer

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