Monday, September 19, 2011

take on active fatherhood

Well this is not good news but at least it may explain why I have such fat thighs, slightly lumpy breasts, a propensity to gossip and a slightly higher voice than normal

Over the weekend I read a new study which showed that men start losing testosterone when they become fathers.   They checked the levels of new fathers in a given age group and compared it to that of guys the same age without kids and found that the new dad's had a 34% drop in testosterone and found a direct correlation between time spent with a young kid and amount of testosterone drop.   I haven't tested myself but I was already half a chick who now spends basically every non-working hour with my daughter and will say that I've been low on energy, crabbier, definitely more sensitive although I have not yet had a desire to try on a thong.    

Now I will say that there probably is nothing wrong with it but but it does make you wonder if nature is changing where there is an ingrain need to not  want these huge families after-all.  Obviously low testosterone means less boogie-boogie which leads to fewer kids. 
I don't see any real issue here but I will have to hit FD's this weekend to be get my testosterone levels checked just to be sure.

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