Thursday, September 22, 2011

take on those shoe gloves

A couple of years ago on the back of an article about some dude who followed some South American tribe of bare-footed long-distance runners,  a couple of companies came out with these idiotic looking glove sneakers.   Being a runner there has never been one time that I've seriously thought about trading in my Asix for a pair of these things but I can understand that if there is some medical proof that this improves running and decreases injuries that the concept has a lot of value.

What I don't understand is why somebody would wear these things out…   yesterday on the subway, I sat across from a young chick who was otherwise very attractive..that is until you got to her feet.  I'm not sure what it is but rubber encased toes have to be one of the least attractive ways to show off one of the least attractive body parts and unlike basic mathematics this isn't a case where a negative multiplied by another negative becomes a positive. 

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