Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Take on the centerpiece

One thing that always gets me when ibsit down in a restaurant is how much clutter there is on the table. Between the menus, specials, wine lists, glasses, wine glasses and table settings a typical two top looks like Noah's ark. I know space in a city like New York is at a premium but the clutter is completely distracting, you can't even put your wallet on the table without having to move ten things out of the way.
But the worst culprit are those idiotic centerpieces made famous for being overpriced necessities at weddings. Somewhere, somehow somebody decided that a big gaudy centerpiece made for elegance while it only hinders conversation. I cannot tell you how big a pet peeve it is for me to sit at a table and not be able to see the person sitting across from me without severely straining my neck as I am trying to peek around a Frank Lloyd Wright tree growing in the center of my table. It's like
So my rule is simple, if you must have a centerpiece keep it no more than 9 inches off the table and if you are at a restaurant he waiter should remove the flowers as soon as they bring your drinks

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