Saturday, August 6, 2011

Taking on salt, pepper, ketchup?

I have eaten pigeon in Egypt, live shrimp in Japan, donkey meat in China, 'steak' in Korea, goose in France and some strange tofu concoction in Taiwan which tasted like raw sewage and I still think the most ridiculous think I have been offered is ketchup on an egg-and-cheese.
Why somebody would ruin what is probably God's greatest creation by adding processed tomato paste is beyond reason. See the New York egg and cheese on bagel is maybe the perfect food combination. The American cheese melts over the egg and then bonds into the bagel in a near chemical reaction which is so influential it would give nuclear fusion a run for it's money but when you add ketchup it is like giving the technology to the North Koreans. They won't know what to do with it and by them even touching it, it threatens the existence of the entire world -of bagels-

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