Sunday, August 7, 2011

Taking on the pump

Call me a conspiracy theorist but there is something very fishy about getting gas since it hit $4 again. We are not talking about the fact it seemed to race from $2.50 to $4 with almost no fanfare whereas two summers ago when gas frat hit $4 gallon it was the lead story every-night. I remember being in High School back in 1994 and getting has for $0.89/gallon and being floored the first time I paid over $1.25.
Then feeling like the apocalypse was near when it went over $2, expecting to see Jesus when it rose above $3 and meeting Ghandi when it topped $4.
Now it is all conditioning because when it dropped back down to $3 it looked like a bargain and now that is back upto $4 it doesn't raise an eyebrow
But I have figured out something which is conspiracy theory-ish
Whenever I pump gas it seems to take longer to fill up my tank, and I don't think this is something new. I think the gas stations purposely slow the rate of flow down when prices are higher so it subconsciously feels like you are getting more gas

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