Monday, June 13, 2011

Taking on the Weiner Distraction

As Anthony Weiner faces increased pressure he ducked out of the spotlight over the weekend and went into some kind of therapy.   We've seen this before as male politicians behave badly whether it's a Newt and his apparent Mormon version of Catholicism, Spitzer and his Client #9 , Arnold and the ugly maid, Larry Craig and the men's room foot shuffle or the dude from South Carolina and his hot Argentinian chick.    Obviously these guys all have some kind of addiction which is basically an addiction to control.   As has been proven time and time again this kind of indiscretion is easily forgiven by voters, Americans love the come-back story and if nothing else there are probably a Vivid contract in his future.

But what these guys all do wrong is the kind of lesson you would have thought they learned in Politics 101,
- denying something in the beginning is always a disaster, when the Sun or the Star or the Post have the inside scoop, you might as well give up because your denial only makes you look more guilty.  Everybody knew he had sent those pictures out and his account wasn't hacked..

-Tell Nancy Pelosi you want to meet her in private and when she walks into your office in the buff.    See how long it takes her to ask for your resignation..   It's a risky play but it could really pay.

- get out in front of this thing.   As my buddy The Irish Lad said, as soon as this sucker broke he should have gone  and taken a picture in a speedo for the cover of Vanity Fair, as he so eloquently stated he should double-down in this situation and "turn that Weiner into a Footlong"

- when you go to sexual therapy, pull a Little Kim when she went to jail and embrace it..  If I were Weiner, I'd be going out in a ticker-tape parade down the Grand Central with your constituents blowing you kisses and some.

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