Friday, June 10, 2011

Taking on the Sebastian Bach wedding look

I have the unfortunate luck of owning exactly one dark suit and drinking too much at weddings and the combination has really limited me not socially but aesthetically.
This week as I got ready for a funeral, I stepped into my black suit pants and was quickly reminded of the Jon Bon Jovi routine at the last wedding I attended last year. I guess I had tried to keep the Righetti on Wedding Roids debacle locked far away in my subconscious even if I still carry the literal scars of many JBJ wedding dances past on my knees. The issue is not my knees or my ego but the that the damage it has done to my already poor wardrobe is beyond sad. I owned one nice Brooks Brothers tan-suit until I went to Egypt and slid across the dance floor and ripped a hole so big I looked like a preppy Sebastian Bach. I rented a tuxedo but I left pieces of fabric all over the dance-floor in Seattle and I owned this one black suit but now the only chance to wear it is if I turn the pants into shorts if I have a need for Angus Young look.

So I go to the funeral wearing my black suit jacket with a different pair of -slightly different colored- black pants and once again I look like I got dressed in the dark using piece I found in my dad's wardrobe.

So for the sake of my (very limited) wardrobe, the JBJ wedding debacle is officially retired..

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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