Saturday, June 11, 2011

Take on the Genetically mutated water

Last weekend at a picnic a friend offered me a vitamin water. Now obviously Vitamin water 's appeal is that it tastes water down and stale so it's like drinking a Gatorade filtered through a used athletic sock so I am not going to complain about taste..

What I can bitch about in this case is when i noticed the sell-by-date which was December 2010 while it is now June 2011. Now I cannot imagine that anybody would possibly die from drinking this sugared urine but it bears the question whether there is any logic to these sell-by-dates. You know this sportsdrink is some laboratory designed genetically mutated version of water and like Velveeta cheese or I can't Believe it's not butter it doesn't seem to have any organic elements which should ever go bad.
So although I'm all for sell-by-dates and I often will not even drink something within 3 days of it's sell by date there have to different rules to organic and non-organic items.
For example any of this lab designed thirst quenchers should probably be held to the same lifetime standards as its plastic bottle container..

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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