Friday, June 3, 2011

Take on the Satellite Dish

Obviously I have my issues with Time Warner cable as they run their entire company like the CEO's name is Soprano. They know as long as FIOS hasn't come to your area, the average Joe Schmo has no other option. If you want high-speed cable and internet it either means taking it up the 5-hole from Time Warner or basically adding an addition to your house.

I was walking home today and came across this monstrosity, my neighbors live in a one family home have four (4!!!!) Satellite Dishes on their roof. Their house looks like Bristol, CT with so much visual obstruction you'd hope they could at minimum hear alien life form coming from the far galaxies.
So either like buying guns, buying satellite dishes seems to be a bit addictive or these people feel like they need to live inside of a TGI Fridays. What else can explain that somebody would have four of them on their roof.

That is unless you realize the scam perpetrated by the dish companies. The way I see it those dishes are like that little piece of tape that you use to hang a Bon Jovi poster up, in the beginning it just keeps the room full of 80's fever but after a while you realize that it is actually acting as structural support for the entire house.
I know that when you start to mess with the integrity of a roof, you basically can kiss the thought of Waterproofing goodbye and I believe that with each new account Direct TV makes you get a new dish. For whatever reason (probably corporate greed) if there is a dish sitting on your roof from previous owners, the guys over at Direct TV or Dish will still install a new one.
The problem I have seen in every building I have lived in is that the roof looks like a satellite dish graveyard., the owner of the dish has no reason to bring this thing with him and probably forgot he paid for it and the new owner is not going to get on the roof like he is Clark W Griswald to rip the one down. In an apartment building it is especially tricky because nobody knows who owns which one. My previous apartment building had 12 dishes for 10 apartments and I know for a fact that 5 of the units used normal cable. When a dish goes up it can never come down.
The way I see it, it's all by design. They want to keep people buying more hardware both new customers and existing ones because if you own one and the satellite moves, now your angle isn't right and this your reception sucks you can't move the thing because the roof will collapse so your only option is to shell out another $300 for a dish and install it three feet from the last one that is unless you are OK with a tiny skylight in your bedroom.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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