Saturday, June 4, 2011

Take on HBO On Demand

A few weeks ago I swallowed hard and told the misery over at Time Warner Cable that despite my unhappiness with them, I wanted to give them more money every month for their crappy service. In exchange for an additional $15 or $20 a month, I would get HBO, HBO2, HBO3, HBO HD, HBOFamily, HBO On Demand, HBO adult and HBO Latina. It sounds like a hell of a deal until of course you realize that each of these channels suck. For $20 we will watch 4 hours of HBO per month, so about the equivalent of minimum wage.
It's a free country and nobody put a gun to my head but what I was shocked to find out when my wife put on Game of Thrones On Demand this week because she missed Sunday's first run episode was that for $100 for cable, plus $30 for the HD package and$20 per month for HBO, Time Warner only gives you HDB On Demand But NOT HBO HD On the Demand. So what the hell am I paying for? I already pay for HBO and I pay for the HD Package but for my On Demand feature I have to watch it pixilated and scrunched!!!

I also think a lot of the other secondary HBO channels are only offered in the non 600's.
In a world where everybody basically has at minimum a 42" LCD HDTV and most people watch TV shows at other times than their first runs why would you not offer HD On Demand? I tell you why because why would they. Time Warner doesn't have to make you happy cause you have no other option and like James Dolan they can keep screwing you and there are no repercussions.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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