Saturday, June 25, 2011

Take on Equal Rights

Nothing we can say that hasn't been said before so we'll let the picture tell the story, I have to hope and imagine that last night the State of New York stood up for civil rights, equal protection and dignity and stared down the religious intolerant.  It hasn't been 12 hours since the historic vote and I feel like a generation of gay and lesbian Americans are vindicated of a crime which never was and never should have been.

I know that I don't know much but I am confident that in 5 years it will feel insane that this was ever up for debate like the thought of blacks or women having the right to vote and it still saddens me that it takes 11 years into the 21st century for a liberal leaning state finally makes justice.  I'm sure it will take another 10 years before the rest of the country follows suit and there will be plenty of opposition so I'm sure the fight is just beginning but I will warn those standing in the way:   history does not look kindly upon those on the wrong side of civil rights

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