Thursday, May 5, 2011

Taking on the BQE billboards

I might be the only one who notices these things but I have never really understood why there were so many signs for strip-clubs overlooking the BQE. Now as any regular TORer knows, we are big proponents of strip-clubs so this is far from a complaint and instead more of a general observation.

I guess there was some market study done that shows that people who are about to cross the Kosciuszko Bridge are generally bigger hornballs than people stuck in traffic along. the Major Deegan because I don't see this ratio of strip-club signs to more family friendly ones on any of the other arteries around NYC.
I guess they may have chosen this highway over others because traffic tends to crawl so it allows drivers more time to read the ads or maybe the laws are more lax when it comes to decency rules but any decent topless joint in NYC has a sign on the BQE.

It literally seems that there are more signs advertising chicks shaking their asses on the Queens stretch than there are exit signs
I have to imagine that these signs are trying to strike at a certain animalisitic instinct. Some dude is frustrated and angry while stuck in horrible traffic, sees a sign and says 'screw it, I need to blow off some steam'

The problem is that it just doesn't make sense. because the vast majority are for cabarets in the city nowhere near the Brooklyn-Queens corridor.
A couple of these ads are for places like Naked City in Queens so at least there is a chance for a guy to see the sign and immediately get off at the next exit (if he can find the sign) and stop for a lapper or five but as the majority of the ads are for places in the city.
I have to think that there is virtually no chance that they get a guy who is stuck in miserable traffic who sees a sign and decides that this is the time to get off an exit sit on the LIE crawling towards the midtown tunnel. Make your way across town, find parking in midtown and then make your way to the velvet seats at 52nd and Broadway.

Now I know advertising is partly about overall impression as I'm sure Coke doesn't expect somebody to buy a soda everytime they come across a street sign but we are not talking about big brand-name products that you can get anywhere. Each of these places is its own entity so it's not like you see a sign for LACE and you couldn't at least get a similar thrill at another place..

So unless there is a market study that proves this is a good way to spend their advertising dollar, I recommend they cut this spending and use the saving to discount lap-dances for their most loyal customers.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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