Friday, May 6, 2011

take on the Yellow Pages

caught an article on Gawker earlier today about Seattle starting to crack down on yellow-pages and it got me to thinking about what a gigantic waste of paper these things are.   I know that there is advertising dollars at stake but I've lived in many buildings over my life and when the phone-company drops off 20 copies of the yellow-pages all 20 end up in the trash.

In today's world with google on every smartphones not to mention things like Yelp and UrbanDaddy there just isn't any point to them anymore.    I think that the phone-companies have long ago gotten rid of the normal white-pages or maybe I've just been lucky enough to not get bombarded with them lately but I just cannot image somebody under the age of 80 turning to anything in print to find out information.    The Yellow pages offer no reviews, no feedback and if there is a misprint you are 12 months away from an update.   So for the sake of trees, the garbage men and sanity, I'm imploring Bloomberg to follow Seattle's persistent and get rid of these glorified doorstoppers.

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