Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Take on the train directly behind this one

There is nothing more frustrating than the disingenuous announcement an MTA conductor makes when he implores riders to not crowd onto this present train but wait instead for the next one if you can even understand the garble coming from the subway speakers.
I'm not against intelligent and sensible methods of ensuring that the trains run on schedule but there is no veteran rider who believes the 'there is another express train directly behind this one' crap we get force-fed everyday.
Anybody who has taken this advice knows they will be standing on the garbage riddled, 100 degree rat infested platform for another 10 minutes waiting for that directly-behind-this train unicorn. There is no train directly behind this one, there never has been one and probably never will be one.. I'm sure it's just part of the conductors manual to try to speed up train traffic but a New York commuter will not be fooled more than once. So Mr MTA guy, how about coming up with some real facts about the next train so people can make a sensible decision whether to get onto a crowded train instead of lying and maybe the next straphangers survey won't rate you as unacceptable.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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