Friday, April 29, 2011

take on the top of the head

One of the drawbacks to running is that despite the great form of excercize it also comes with it's fair share of ailments.
Whether it's a twisted ankle, pain in your feet or knees or feet that look and feel like they have been through war, the average runner fights through multiple injuries and pains to hit the road each and everyday.
Out of all the problems chafing has to be one of the most uncomfortable ailments mostly because it's not so debilitating that it will stop your run but more that the after effects scare you of ever wanting to do it again.   I have had my fair shares of chafing issues including bloody nipples which force me to bandaid my aereolas before a 10+ mile run and miserable inner thigh chafing which literally stopped me mid run once as I stopped in an italian restaurant to douse myself with olive-oil but the chafing I experienced this week trumps them all.
See although I carry my sword in a sheaf, not every part of it stays protected.   Like one of those balding men, the crown if fully exposed and this carries the burden of the elements.   As I ran through a comfortable 4 miles I started experiencing some pain, first I thought it was just my boxers bunching up but by the time I got out of my shorts to shower I saw the bloody mess.   Apparently over the 4 mile journey the cheap polyester of my shorts had. rubbed against me in such a way that I had terrible chafing to the point it had started to bleed.   The shower offered no relief as the combination of sweat and warm water stung the sore and not until I put my head on my pillow with a thin sheet propped up like a circus tent did I feel some relief.
So here I am, suffering yet another running injury and trying to figure out how to prevent it in the future.   But unlike my nips or thighs there doesn't seem to be an easy preventative remedy.  I don't want to put a Dora the Explorer band-aid on it as I can only imagine the pain of pulling it off later and I'm not about to lather that part up with chafing cream as that's got UTI written all over it which leads me to the thought of protecting it with cover and I guess there is one obvious trojan choice.  But I'm trying to see the silver lining and maybe it will allow me to make up time in long races by not having to stop for piss stops.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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