Thursday, April 28, 2011

Take on the birthers

Here we are a full 18 months before the election and Obama decided that this was the time to address the birther movement which somehow had convinced about half the country that he was planted here from outer-space or Yemen whichever you want to believe
With the birther controversy finally behind us, I was wondering how long it would take for another crazy conspiracy theory to sprout up about BHO. If he's not a secret muslim maybe we can go back to him being a radical Bill Ayers follower, a chain-smoking Marxist or better yet a glorified anti-christ but I'd give his detractors one piece of advise..choose carefully and stay on message

Three years ago all the rage was about him being a secret muslim which seemed to conflict with the other headline of the day of devout follower of Reverend Wright. See you can't both be a secret Muslim and also believe in a Christian pastor. We at TOR always theorized that the whole Reverend Wright controversy was one the Hope and Change campaign didn't run from because it 'proved' that Barry wasn't a sleeper-cell Islamist.
Well the birther claims were equally baseless and for three years it just seemed like good enough Glenn Beck fodder which kept the real issues (where Obama has bigger issues) at bay. Only the Right would allow their own message of smaller government be Trumped by a hair-piece wearing guido whose obviously only in on this for the rating boost.

And talking about rating-boost there is no better place to get your therapy than on Oprah's couch which Barry did immediately after releasing his birth certificate which was a well orchestrated event.. There were stories last week that Oprah wouldn't throw her plus size support behind the president in the next election so maybe this was a bit of horse trading.: you support me and I'll give you a boost in your already stellar ratings. So go and sit with Oprah and maybe she can help debunk this lunacy for the thousands of housewives out there. It's non confrontational and if you are lucky maybe you'll be part of the masses who gets a free car or a trip to Indonesia. What better way to spread the gospel for an Islamic Communist.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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