Thursday, April 7, 2011

take on the government shutdown coverage

The Government shutdown


We've had cable-TV on in the office all day and even with the new Earthquake in Japan, the hosts are completely giddy with the thought (hope) of a government shut-down.  I can't think of any other situation where every one of the cable news channels across the entire political spectrum all are outwardly rooting for the destruction of the nation.    I mean watching CNN today is like watching Joe Morgan cover the Reds with their countdown to shutdown clock.  I understand that like a burning house they are all hoping for a catastrophe because obviously it'll be good for ratings.    But when they aren't even rooting for a dog in the fight but instead just foaming at the mouth for the fight then you know we are all screwed.
Obviously for the vast majority of people watching cable-news it's like getting their crack-fix and I have often listened to Rush or Olberman or Beck basically to see how wacky the fringe of both parties has gotten but when the mainstream media is acting like they are fans at a Packers game standing in 0 degree weather with body-paint on while cooking kielbasas then I'm afraid to imagine the circus Glenn Beck is hosting right now.. 

So here is our suggestion.   If the Government goes on shut-down then both members of congress AND every member of the news-media loses their paycheck until the government is back, I bet the shutdown doesn't even get to hour 1.

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