Friday, April 8, 2011

Take on the garbage cans

Has anybody noticed that the MTA has very quietly started to get rid of those signs on the garbage cans which said they would recycle the garbage in them and has replaced them with standard 'your litter stops here" signs.

I never quite understood how they would accomplish this and more importantly why they thought this was a good idea.
Now I'm all for recycling and I'm one of the most prudent recyclers I know so this has nothing against the thought of going green but rather about efficiency.
Why the MTA decided they would have people throw their plastic bottles, cans and newspapers in the same receptacle as their garbage and then pay somebody to sort that stuff made no sense at all. . Call me a cynic but I always thought this was some gigantic scam by the city and the MTA. For whatever reason the MTA doesn't want to add recycling bins so they came up with this scheme.

See the city fines their regular citizens if they don't. recycle so they can't look like they are picking sides and not being consistent. They also know that the MTA which is on life support probably doesn't have the budget to actually recycle without raising metro-card rates so the city and the MTA devised this scheme where they put a sign on a few cans claiming they did and then the city would look the other way.

See nobody can tell me that having a person pick through garbage to fish out soda cans and cups instead of just putting different bins for plastics, paper and garbage on the platform as they already do this in places like Union Square.

Both of these systems cost money so the cheapest way was saying they were doing their part by advertising that they were recycling when they probably were just throwing it all onto a barge and dumping it 20 miles off shore

But here's an idea.. Put all the MTA garbage cans out in Brooklyn and have those crazy Asians dig though them for cans. They'll do the manual labor for free..
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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