Monday, March 7, 2011

Taking on......soup?

I generally don't understand why certain people like the flavor of such vile thing such as liver, eel or sweet-wine although I do acknowledge that I've come around on a lot of things I would never have touched a decade ago. The issue I have is that I go through this routine whenever eating which seems ingrained in the human mind from before evolution.
I will look over the food to make sure there isn't anything jagged protruding from it or moldy growing on it which seems sensible but what I will always do is smell whatever dish I am about to chomp down on. I know it's a weird habit but I can't eat something without first having taken this precaution. The issue is when I cannot recognize something by smell or eyesight alone. It is then that I feel the most hamstrung. Generally I cannot tell you if I like something without knowing what it is, I just can't give you my opinion without knowing the main ingredients. I figure that if I like the taste of something I assume to be banana but then find out it's a piece of Ahi tuna that there must be something horribly rotten about the tuna. If I like the asparagus soup but then find out it's fish-head then I probably have bigger problems than funny-smelling pee to deal with.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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