Sunday, March 6, 2011

Take on delays

Whenever there are train delays i find myself in this internal struggle, do I either wait out the misery or try to hop on different trains in the faint hope it can get me to my destination more quickly. The problem is that my nature is to take control of a situation as waiting as my fate is decided for me is complete torture
So this morning when the D train was delayed because of a situation at Grand Avenue, I thought I could circumvent the issue by taking the F to 9th street, transferring to the downtown R and then potentially catching an express to try to catch a local further down the tracks.
Well you know what happens, the F is delayed, the R is packed, the express N never shows and when you finally get to the station before yours the conductor informs you that due to earlier delays they will be going express and thus skipping your stop. You spend all this time and effort to avoid a delay and instead accomplish nothing other than stressing yourself out
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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