Sunday, February 13, 2011

Word Nazi

One thing I can't stand is people who use the term Nazi in everyday speech. It wasn't always this way but now i hear it all the time and it's becoming more and more prevalent in speech. Yesterday I was told I was a Time Nazi because I wanted to get somewhere on time, last week I heard somebody complain about a grammar Nazi for using the wrong their. Not long ago I heard a guy say that his workplace was like a concentration camp but really the liberal use of Nazi to describe any situation which is the least bit demanding is sickening. The words Strict and Nazi aren't synonyms but in this 24 hour News cycle world, people throw it around like 'liberal' or 'conservative'. I am sure that at some point it will lose all it's meaning but I'm not ready for that yet.
Maybe I'm old fashion but that wound still seems a bit fresh, I mean you don't regularly hear people call each other slaves or slave owners and that wound is older than the slavery one. What gets me is this new generation (I feel old everytime I blog like this) just doesn't get it, there are just some things that shouldn't be used in a sentence between 'like' and 'oh my god'
I don't know when it will be OK for me but it won't be any time soon.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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