Tuesday, January 18, 2011

One of the greatest inventions of all time

We can get to the moon, we can send millions of particles at the speed of light over the French and Swiss border and we can run figure out how to take caffeine out of a coffee bean but we have yet to figure out how to make a NY style pizza taste as good coming out of the oven as it does when it's reheated..
Although I won't anymore I remember my family getting a pie every Friday night. We'd pick it up and open the box and inevitably there would be cheese stuck to the cardboard and half the cheese would slide off when you picked up a slice and this is not to mention the fact that you'd burn the roof of your mouth.
Well this is the issue with pizza, the fresh out of the oven NY style pizza doesn't work in our hurried society, .like a fine wine or a pint of Guinness you have to let it settle. But herein lies an opportunity, a pizzeria who sells full reheated pies. See the fresh pizza is still a bunch of hot ingredients while in the reheated version the cheese and the sauce have had a chance to meld together, the crust has picked up some tensile-strength and the flavor has had a chance to seep into the crust.
This is why l will no longer order a pie and instead walk in and ask for 8 slices packed in a big box.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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