Monday, January 17, 2011

10 days

When two friends of mine announced that they were going to the Dominican Republic for a winter getaway, I must admit I was a bit jealous. I'm not a resort guy but as I've gotten old and fat it has started to sound tempting. They were planning on laying out by the pool, dipping their toes in the warm Caribbean sea, drinking fruity drinks and chowing down on top cuisine. It sounded like an awesome long-weekend especially as NYC was getting pounded by snow.
But when we got some more detail about the trip it occurred to me that they were planning on spending 10 days on a resort in DR.. Ten days is an eternity especially when sitting on a beach. Now I will freely admit that I am not one who can easily relax and I might be extreme for my need for excitement but even discussing this trip with friends who have perfected the art of relaxing, this seemed long.
Now if you were in the Mediterranean for a long week to explore the Greek isles that would sound like fun, if they were traveling through south-east Asia I could see that being a great adventure but sitting on a beach for 10 days listening to Lady Gaga sound like torture . I know myself and after I finished my copy of US Weekly after the first 2 hours, I'd be jumping out of my skin and I'd be well on my way to stake out an internet cafe..
I'd be comatosed from alcohol poising after 3 days on a resort, poking my eyes out after 5, hoping for food poising after 7 and ready to jump into the shark-pool after 9.

Then again I've been stuck on the D train heading to work for over 2 ours because of a stalled train on the bride while wearing pants that are too thin for the 10 degree weather and I think the guy next to me just shat himself.
So maybe an US Weekly and a Corona doesn't sound that bad right now
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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