Saturday, January 22, 2011

In Loving Memory

I understand that a loss of a loved one is painful, I understand feeling like you want to do something to remember them by and I understand putting a bumper sticker on your car to show the world your kid is an honor roll student but I don't understand putting a giant decal on your window to honor a lost brother or great-aunt.
I do not want to come across as callous or insensitive but this type of 'honor' is tacky.
First of all who in their right mind would want to be honored this way, drivers hate other cars so there is a chance that your car with Uncle Joey's decal will cut somebody off and that driver is going to be cursing your uncles name. I don't see the honor in that

Then the question is where do you stop? If you put a huge decal for Uncle Bill then what happens when your cousin Pauly drops dead? Do you remove Bill and then give the honor to Paul or does Bill have to share the spotlight

But really my issue is what happens when the car is sold. If you are the buyer of a Nissan Pulsar with a huge 'In Memory of' sticker are you obligated to keep it on the car?
It sounds ridiculous bit it would be disgraceful if you removed a tomb-stone or take down those white bikes that people affix to a telephone pole so how would this be any different??
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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