Thursday, December 30, 2010

WTF is this??

I walk into a unisex bathroom in a restaurant today and am met with one of the most disgusting sights I have ever seen and I'm looking for somebody to explain it.

See chicks are always knocking guys for pissing all over the seat. I agree that it is a disgusting habit and we've dedicated a lot of blog space discussing how filthy this is. One thing which has come back are the overwhelming comments I get from women who tell me that a woman's public bathroom is even more gross which I honestly could not imagine considering I have plopped my naked arse down on seats so wet they may as well not have been one at all..

I imagined it was some twinkling which inadvertently hit the seat when chicks squat as opposed to sitting but today I saw what women are capable of and honestly I am sick to my stomach. This was a brown-yellow stain on the bottom of the seat. Please take a minute and imagine how this could possibly even happened. Now the stain -if you could even call it that- had both the color and the consistency of a huge chunk of phlegm.

Now first of all, who knew that your stream -if that is where this smudge of yellow-brown filthy even originated from- could curl up and hit the bottom of the seat. How thick is your liquid where it adheres to porcelain like a loogie? How many dudes have without knowing parked their racers or planted their faces in places where this can even grow?

Please do us guys a favor and shape up.. Cause my stomach can't take it.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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