Friday, December 31, 2010

Team Game

There are a ton of articles knocking Governor Rendell for calling the NFL as a bunch of pussies cause they postponed the Eagles-Viking game. They criticize Rendell's assertion that the Chinese wouldn't allow something as trivial as a blizzard keep them from going to see a sporting event.

Now I actually agree with Rendell about the fact we are becoming a countries of pansies but I disagree with him when it comes to discussing his team as he referred to the Eagles inclusively on a number of occasion..

Let's be clear once and for all..just because you follow a sports team does not give you any reason to refer to them inclusively. I know that guys will say they live and die by their favorite teams but there is no bigger loser than the one who also refers to his favorite team as we just because he bought a Robinson Cano jersey and has season tickets.. It's very unlikely that if Cano breaks an ankle that Joe Girardi will look in the stands and see you sporting the pinstripes and ask you to play 2nd Base.

I hate to burst your bubble but you are NOT part of the team. As much as you root for Mark Sanchez or David Wright, you are not allowed in the locker room. You can buy a Derek Jeter jersey but the Yankees aren't inviting you to Spring training. David Harris goes through two-a-days in the blistering summer heat while you stand on the sideline drinking a diet-coke. Amar'e Stoudemire wouldn't know you if he ran you over in his H2. Mara isn't going to ask you for your opinion on giving Tom Coughlin an extension.
Yeah you can be a big fan and there is nothing wrong with rooting so hard your voice is hoarse or kicking a garbage can so hard you go airborne and land on your ass when your favorite football team blows a 10 point lead in the AFC championship game against the Broncos but there is something wrong with believing you are part of the squad.
See if you love Avatar you don't refer to it as your movie. You wouldn't sit through the Oscars and say that we won the award for best lighting. It's pretty obvious when your name isn't on the credits being that all you have done is paid to see it.
So make it your New Years Resolution..cause otherwise I'll relegate you to a life as a Browns fan.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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