Friday, December 24, 2010

The Rent is too Damn High Guy is back

With the end of the 2010 political year, the 2012 Presidential campaign starts to heat up. Believe it or not but we are 6 months away from the first Republican Primary Debate and all the expected contenders including Romney, Palin, Gingrich and Huckalbee have their ear to the ground deciding whether or not to put their lives on hold for the chance to take on Obama for the undisputed heavyweight championship in a 12 month steel cage match. Now the political pundits and commentators are foaming at the mouth to let it begin even if 80% of the field happened to be employed by the News Corp.
Typically i can't get into the 2012 election until let's say....2012 but I just got excited with the announcement that the 'Rent is too Damn High' guy is running for president. Not since Ross Perot has this country seen a crazier national political figure with the ability to throw the entire election on its head.
Now granted he might be an anti-semetic nutjob who is probably a lot closer to living under a bridge than the white-house and I wouldn't trust him to stand behind me on a subway platform with a D train approaching the station but he'll make the next 24 months exciting.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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