Thursday, December 23, 2010

First they get me to buy some organically grown tree, then they get you with the Secret Santa scam and now this

The Picture Scam

This weekend I put my poor family through one of those embarrassing family portraits in front of a fake tree covered with fake snow, adorned with fake lights as a backdrop to three fake smiles I thought the worst was behind me.   That was until I showed up to pick up the pictures which after some major cut-backs and a 20% coupon still managed to run me $90 for a handful of 8x11 pictures and about 10 wallet size cutouts.    Not only do they have you by the nuts after you take the pictures by charging you top-dollar for your photos, they then hold the proofs so you're shelling out an additional $10 everytime you need another one but on top of everything they get you on the back-end too.

But I can't really have a problem with the pricing or even the hostage negotiations because I knew what I was getting into when I walked into the SEARS picture spot.    What got me looking my head was something a bit different.   I walk up to the desk to pick up my pictures and the lady hands me a folder.   Immediately I could tell that there were more picture than I ordered but before I could even decide whether to say something the clerk says

Oh, looks like they sent you a few extras by mistake

I was about to thank her for the early Christmas gift she says.. if you want to keep them that would be an additional $21.90..   

Now what gets me is that she supposedly didn't know about this…but she knows the total for 4 extra 8x11pictures and 6 wallet sizes right off the top of her head..   This is obviously a total scam intended to plug at the heart-strings of a young family..  I mean how can I walk away from pictures of my daughter in her Sunday's best??    So there I go opening up the wallet and putting yet another charge on my credit-card and for the third time in a week I'm screwed by the Christmas spirit.

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