Thursday, December 16, 2010

E-benezer Scrooge

There is nothing less Christmas-y than those terrible E-Cards which is about as personal as getting a mass 'merry Christmas' text.   The Christmas E-Card is akin to a stocking full of coal and I got enough of those to last me a lifetime. 

 In the last two weeks I must have received 25 of these things and honestly I haven't even opened one.    It takes almost zero effort to send these out so I will put in zero effort in receiving them.    Now I'm not sure when this E-Card thing started becoming socially acceptable or if it stems from cheapness or convenience but either way I don't care for it.    See if sending a card is too expensive for you then maybe you should consider moving to another profession and if it's too much trouble to send out a real one then I don't care to receive it either

So here is the rule.. if you want to send me some Christmas spirit then go to Walgreens or CVS and get one of those cards with your kids pictures on them with a big 'Merry Christmas from the Jones family' printed on the bottom.  Take the card and personally sign it then buy a stamp, find a mailbox and send it to me in the mail.   There is some effort that goes into it and that's all I ask for when you give me something.  I don't' want a crappy gift just because it's my birthday and I don't want a mass text when it's New Years eve, I want you to think before you act and don't waste your money or my time.

Now with that said I won't hold it against you if you don't send me a card but don't expect credit unless there were a few trees cut down for it.  

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