Friday, December 17, 2010

A bad start to the day

I wake up about 20 minutes later than usual and all of a sudden my entire routine is off.... I can't seem to catch up on the time I lost as I hurry through everything I have to do to look this good in the morning. I brush my teeth, take a quick shower, throw on clothes and rush out the door intent on catching the 8:18 R train which if everything goes right can get me to work by 9. By some miracle, despite having to refill my Metro Card and then getting 4 consecutive 'please swipe again' messages I get to the platform in time to catch the train and 20 minutes and a transfer later I cross the Manhattan Bridge. I stare out the window to see the New York Harbor and smile as I see how far the Verrezano Bridge is and whose shadow I was standing in when 30 minutes earlier i was getting dressed.
As the N train rumbles into the tunnel my mind wanders as I aimlessly stare out the window not paying any mind to the craziness around me or the hectic day ahead.. I keep staring out of the subway window but as any person who travels on the train is well aware of, when you look out the window while underground all you see is your own reflection as some underground lights flash by.. Now I'm not a pretty man, this I realize but what I just noticed in my reflection was that I LOOKS LIKE I GOT A HAIRCUT FROM RAY CHARLES!!!!!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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