Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Here's a novel concept

If you spend as much time in airports as I do you know thee are certain riles you must follow.. Now I am not talking about the standard take your laptop out of the bag thing but more about the pace you have to keep to avoid an I95 type pile-up. See if you move at a snails pace there has to be some repercussion and it would behoove everybody if we could separate the 'expert' travellers from the schlups who still think the entire concept of flying is some kind of magical luxury. I cannot tell you how many hours I've wasted standing behind some chick who forgets to put her purse on the belt or some guy who leaves his cell-phone in his pocket. You have to realize that for the business traveler we don't have extra time for you to figure out how to make it through the security line. So since we pay higher fares, get charged premiums for last minute changes, fly the least-glorious routes and single handily keep the airport bars and restaurants in business maybe it's time to do something for us.
I suggest an all together different security line for people who fly 10+ times per year so we don't have to be surrounded by the common folk.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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