Wednesday, November 17, 2010

the blackberry clock

So although the blackberry is a great business machine it has one major shortcoming.   See it works everywhere from the Pyramids of Egypt to the Great Wall in China, the email pull concept is unmatched, the battery life is fantastic and the typing has no match.   
But the problem is something different, the clock on the BlackBerry is perpetually off by 3 or 4 minutes from the rest of the world.   It's like somebody set the clock fast so you are always 'on time' which is kind of appreciated when meeting somebody at the movies so you don't miss the previews but really annoying when you don't have a watch anymore and rely on your cell-phone to know what time it is..   What i don't get is how a machine which is able to instantly send a BBM to somebody in Seoul Korea or forward an email while you are standing near the Blue Lagoon in Iceland nott able to sync with the world-clock.   
Now I'm not sure what 'official' time is anyway or who keeps it but I've always assumed when Seinfeld started on NBC it was 9PM.     Well do yourself a favor, look at your BB right now and compare it to the clock in the bottom right hand corner of your computer screen and the difference is maddening.

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