Tuesday, September 14, 2010

NY style pizza

So I walk into a pizzeria in my home town last week, a place I worked at for 10 years while I was a kid and placed an order for a large pie. After shooting the crap with a couple of the guys but spent most of the time with the guy who had been a good friend for years who was the owner's son who works at the joint on weekends.
Well after we get through the pleasantries and I go to pay and was told it would be $12.80. I was shocked and it was apparently evident on my face, the guy I used to work with me went into an apologetic rage as he tried to explain that the costs of cheese and dough had risen since I worked there when a pie cost $9.99. He mentioned health-care costs rising, his electricity bills being hire and that they were barely breaking even.
When he finally exhaled I said to him

$12.80 is ridiculously cheap, in Brooklyn this pie would cost me $21 plain and $24 with a chopped up onion on it.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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