Saturday, September 25, 2010

Let it Rain

If there is a god somewhere on this great earth he will help us with this goal..   We are not asking to save the rainforests or feed the hungry in Africa.  Our official stated goal at TOR enterprises, a non profit organization is to bring together two of the greatest things in the world to make a mind blowing world of incredible.

Although this is not specifically about bringing world peace, i'm convinced this how the Berlin Wall came down. Ask anybody who has been anywhere close to the combination of heaven I'm picturing.  There can be no animosity between East and West during the lapper.  Gorbachev and Reagan in NYC with Whitesnake blasting in the background.  Now take this concept, change the characters and extend the song by 5 minutes and you get what I'm getting at.

For years I have thought about the combination of November Rain and the lapper, think about it.   You take a GREAT Rock and Roll ballad from the premier music generation by the quintessential hard rock band and blast it from the JBL's hanging from the rafters at FD's and you may just blow the entire world.   Now you may think that this is not in the business interest of these fine establishments but just imagine the interest you would draw if one time per night you have can offer 9:08 of pleasure.   

Think about it, this could be the culmination of a great night, Slash starts the first solo after Axl's 'life is out to charm you' as her hair flies backwards and the baseline kicks back up, the drinks are flowing and nobody will be thinking about Fat Joe and PacMan Jones anymore.

If we have a chance at bring world peace than this might be the way to it.    Just imagine getting Obama, Ahmadinejad, Kim Jong-il, Osama Bin Laden and a bunch of other suckers down to 53rd and Broadway, lead them down the dark staircase past my boy Jimmy , around the bar, past the stage to the seedy backbelly of a slice of heaven and you just let the magic begin.      How can anybody feel the need to send nukes 5000 miles toward another country when they have two 18 year old Russian nukes staring them in their face.

Now I can see November Rain getting so popular that the clubs would be overflowing with men (and women) from 18 to 80 lined up to be in the seat when the piano starts.   My thought is that you market this like crazy BUT the catch is that it's like a game of musical chairs, November Rain cannot be your first dance, it must be your second consecutive one.   So you'll have schmucks lined burning Thomas Jefferson's like they are George Washingtons just hoping to be in the lucky seat     Actually the more I think of this it sounds like the greatest financial scam since Madoff and the banks took all our money.

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