Sunday, September 26, 2010

Lad Gaga

I don't get the appeal of Lady Gaga at all. I know she's probably the biggest pop star in the world right now and although I cannot think of a single song she has, I'm sure there is some reason why there is an appeal to her music. Good music and popular music have never been synonyms and it's a long time ago when people like John and Paul were able to consistently do both.
But my issue isn't the music or the talent but purely the look. I have friends (one rather large on in particular) who thinks that there is a real sex appeal to her. Not only do I doubt her true femininity, he face is a combination of Jessica Sarica Parker and a donkey. I get that she may have a decent body underneath the wacky outfits, albeit a decent body which may be packing heat but it's far from spectacular. Her possible androgyny not withstanding, it's amazing that she's gotten so incredibly popular on her stunts alone. She is not just not-good-looking, she's downright disgusting.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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