Saturday, July 3, 2010

The office of

as part of the expose on the pedophile priests by the media, the heat has been coming down on Pope Benedict and TOR has no sympathy for him or anybody involved directly in abuse or indirectly in its disgusting cover-up.

But we aren't blogging about pervert priests today but rather about the position Pope Benedict held when he was still Cardinal Ratzinger. As the head of the office called the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith he had the official edict to investigate and punish the priests who committed the most heinous crimes: soliciting sex during confessions, homosexuality, pedophilia and bestiality. Are you kidding me??? You know your entire moral system is f'd up when you equate bestiality with homosexuality so the entire office cannot ever be taken seriously as a moral compass.

But what it does do is again link pedophilia with homosexuality which is what in the long run will bring down the Church. The anti-gay thing resonates about as well with the masses as serving brussel sprouts for dessert and the Church would be good to leave this behind as quickly as possible if they want any chance to not become obsolete in the next century.
I am so sick of these anti-gay crusaders who always seem to be preaching from deep-within the closet yet somehow get away with it under the banner of organized religion. This is the issue when they blame pedophilia on homosexuality when the two have nothing to do with one another. Pedophiles prey on pre- pubescent children left in their care, homosexuality harms nobody.
How a religion which claims it is based on teaching tolerance get away with such blatant hatred, discrimination and violations of dignity is beyond me. There aren't enough levels of hell for those who commit these acts or for those who protect them from the wrath of the law and as they rot there I hope some old man in power comes to diddle their winkies against their will..

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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