Sunday, July 4, 2010

Just TOO reachable

In a world of technology it has become impossible to go incognito anymore. Although I have long ago lost the ability to judge cell-phone usage, I am one who has seen what being connected 24-7 is all about and how much it can ruin your day. Some of technology is good while the rest of it sucks. Just yesterday I had 4 voice-mails... Why in God's name somebody would leave you a message when a text message will more than suffice is beyond me.
My dilemma with voice mail is how quickly I have to respond. When I see a call coming in which I send to voice-mail I feel like a ticking alarm goes off. Everybody knows that you saw the call come in, the missed call message and the voice-mail icon so the excuse of 'I didn't see it' doesn't ring true. It's as if the blinking red-light on the BB is designed just to mock me into having a conversation I don't want to have. The problem is that some people feel like the missed call isn't enough and will follow it up with a voicemail and then others will even send you a follow up text and just to be sure also send you an email, knowing full well that each of these are received on the same device.

Three forms of communication with the same exact message as you know the voice-mail will inevitably be of the 'call me back variety' which is a complete waste of band-with, air-time and real-time and if it's not of that mundane variety it is bound to be a request for a favor of some sort. I have done so many favors in my life that it must be time that I can abstain from them for a while. You know when somebody needs a pain-in-the-ass favor they feel bad about doing it over text or email, feeling it is something they should ask personally which to me makes the favor that much bigger pain in the ass. Not only do I have to move an armoire but I also have to have a whole bullshit conversation as you find the internal fortitude to ask me.
So the next time you want a favor, text me so I can hit you back with "sorry gotta do something with the baby" and not feel guilty about it.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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