Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The mask

I have still to hear a good argument for those masks people wear in the airports. I am not talking about people with legit medical reasons but rather the wacky Asians and the OCD types who walk around in perfect health.
Now I'm sure they have their arguments: TB, SARS, Swine Flu etc but I fly all the time and have yet to pick up anything worse than a cold.
Just the other day I was squeezed between two people on a flight and one of them was a Chinese woman wearing a mask and I felt like I needed to pull the tab on that flotation device and beat her with it. There are many people who need to wear those things for very good medical reasons as they have compromised immune systems but there are also a lot of wack-jobs out there who believe they are protecting themselves from the plague by wearing one these. Come on people what do you really think these things are going to stop: this thing is made of paper and the seal is worse than that of a BP pipe.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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