Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I need some Insurance for your Assurance

So there was a huge protest over the weekend about some planned Mosque built near Ground Zero with people holding up signs saying it was a spit in the face of the 3000 people who lost their lives. This of course is an idiotic argument and probably shouldn't be met with more of a response but the protesters are loud and Americans are racists. There is no way that an entire religion with millions of followers should be damned because of the acts of a few radicals. This is like saying you never want another church built because of the legacy of the Crusaders.

But the argument for allowing a Ground Zero mosque gets constitutional also being that we live in a free society which happens to be a melting pot and every person has the right to express their faith without government or any other type of institutional interference.

Somehow I'm not sure that the Puritans had this in mind when they came across on those boats but we live in a revolving society and our forefathers didn't get all too technical when they were writing the whole 'we the people' thing.

But I'm not arguing for or against a Mosque at Ground Zero for based on Religious persecution or even zealous protesters. The reason I'm OK with putting a Mosque there is for insurance. The way I see it, you put a Mosque in the new Freedom Tower and then invite the top religious leaders and clergy to bless the place and maybe..just maybe, it becomes a holy site making the entire place less likely as a target.

I'll be having an Iman come to bless my new apt whenever we buy it.

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