Friday, June 25, 2010

Free Snapple for you, Free nut-kick for me

In MadMen it is obvious when you've made it because when you walk into your office you hand your hat to your personal secretary and she brings you a cup of coffee and your dry-cleaning. In 2010 the real sign of success is a bit different but the idea is the same; a few years ago a friend mentioned that he could get unlimited Snapples at this office from the office fridge and they just kept refilling them. We'll leave the fact that said-friend has gotten a bit plump since he started indulging in the fountain of Snapple but it did seem to say something about his career path. Now we get free coffee and water and they treat us really well over at TOR enterprises but nobody has ever offered me a Snapple let alone a Pepsi.
Forget titles or even salaries, there is a huge dividing line between people who are asked to pay for their own Snapples and those that aren't, the ones that are deemed indispensable are showered with bonuses, benefits and sugar while the rest of the world wallows in misery. The funny thing is that the biggest execs who can most easily pay for it themselves get free Snapples while the dude living on $6.75 an hour in the mailroom has to clock out everytime he has to step out to take a leak.

I'm not disparaging any corporate spending but how much do these high-powered attorney's and bankers need?

the largest irony is actually that the free soda isn't limited to the highest paid exec after all, an informal survey proved that another class of worker also gets free unlimited drinks....the guy working at McDonalds.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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