Saturday, June 26, 2010

A five dollar footlong served with kimchee

I'm the biggest defender of the NYC subway system but traveling in an Asian country you really wonder who the hell we bombed to deserve what we got. Unlike the rats you have to hurdle in NYC the only thing you are dodging in Seoul are dudes with crappy haircuts but even that isn't bad. Nobody shoves or pushes and there are no unsightly homeless people so the only stink in the air is of gaseous Koreans. The transfers are easy, the map is complicated but less so than the MTA one and the price seems fair although honestly I have no idea what 3000 won means in terms of greenbacks but I threw this into the machine and I got some ind of debit card and after traveling I still had about 2100 won left which means the travel cost me like$0.80
But what really is helpful is that there is some civility, there are these lines on the platform which tell you where you can stand so that when the doors open you aren't standing in front of them impeding the exit of others, instead you stand to the side and people get on in an orderly fashion. Sadly this sounds like an absolute miracle for those of us who depend on the MTA to be going our way.
Now when comparing it to other Asian subway's I've taken the Seoul one wasn't quite as organized as the metro in Taipei was where people stood on a line like they were waiting for an ATM to board the train but at least unlike the Tokyo subway you didn't have to worry about an impromptu game of grab-ass breaking out so I would say its a pretty good method of transportation, even if it does mean you don't get any cheap feels.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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