Friday, May 21, 2010

The US Market

Whenever I spend time in Europe my colleagues, cousins and friends are always shocked by how much we work. We easily outwork (in terms of hours) our European counterparts by 40 hours per month. Where almost everybody I know in the US carries a Blackberry for work while my colleagues in Europe walk out the door at 4:45 and are logged out till the next morning.
They have so much vacation that I have long ago decided that I did not have the energy to not keep track as it is just depressing.
Even if they argue that they do not earn similar money, they live a similar lifestyle, in similar cities, apartments and houses all with an earlier retirement age and better benefits. They get a 13th month of pay AND 6 weeks vacation. How much $$$ is that worth?
So except for this whole Greece thing, I can't think of a reason to stay working stateside.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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