Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Dutch dress

I'm not talking about a dress but rather the proverbial dress. Being back in Holland for a week you quickly realize that you are very close yet very far away from home.
The Dutch are notoriously rude although they see it as direct and will tell somebody that they should take the stairs because it's good for you or that they should pass on that piece of cake as they are already fat. All of this direct interaction hasn't gotten through to anybody in particular real sense since the Dutch are some of the worst dressers in the world. How do people remind other's that they have bad haircuts while they themselves wear a purple jacket with blue pants, black shoes and green socks.
Style is secondary and there are no social norms when it comes to levels of dress at formal events. People show up to a wedding dressed in sneakers and a flannel while the next guy is wearing a three-piece suit. This is the country which style forgot and somehow nobody says a word.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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