Saturday, April 24, 2010

what ever happened to RollerBlading?

I clearly remember a few years ago having to dodge the hordes of people zipping down Park Drive on their inline skates.   Basically with the conversion of four wheels in a box format to four wheels in a row turned the dying act of roller-skating and made it the biggest fad since velcro sneakers.  Well a fad is really all it was, I noticed today that although biking and running seem to fall in and out of fashion, they are both incredibly popular methods of exercising.    Maybe it is the fact that you needed to have every stupid accessory including the shin-guards, the wrist-guards, the helmet and the face mask to feel somewhat safe doing it but rollerblading had a shelf-life of about 2 years.    Any sport where you have to dress like you are going for painball really doesn't have much of a chance, people just don't want to look that stupid

A decade ago it was so popular it seemed like they needed their own lanes in the parks for it and people would roller-blade to work in a full suit, now you only see a couple of chicks in their late 40's still using it

Rollerskate had a small revival with the disco-dance thing but rollerblading seems like it's died a very quiet death.

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