Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tiger Woods

Yesterday Tiger had his first full-on press-conference since the revelations of his infidelity and of course the entire world decided this was the time to overanalyze every word out of his mouth. The feeding frenzy is ridiculous and you won’t see TOR defending his actions but honestly this has got to stop, the guy plays golf for a living.

What gets me is that the media is going crazy about this, saying he was too evasive, his tone was too robotic, he wasn’t genuine, maybe it was because he was rooting for Duke, maybe he kicked a dog and maybe he didn’t show enough contrition but the media is never satisfied..

Personally I think that there is a point where I can see him not giving a crap anymore what the media thinks because I don’t. They are hunting for a story which they don't want to end while golf fans are just interested in seeing him play golf.

I understand that in this TMZ/US Weekly world that his ever indiscretion makes front page news but for Tiger it’s more than sensationalistic journalism, the media treats it as if he cheated on every single person out there. He's asked to live to a higher moral level than anybody else and it's either because the media is full of white guys who are probably pissed that he's dominating their sport and tagging their women

You don’t get this with other celebrities and I can’t seem to put my finger on what the difference is when Tiger cheats on his wife or when ARod cheats on his. Although both make front-page news, people’s reactions are so much different. ARod is probably as close to Tiger in terms of fame, money and coverage as we have in this country, the difference though is that after a few days people think ARod might be scum but they realize it’s something he has to deal with within his own family while Tiger has to deal with it at a press-conference. ARod has to make peace with his wife while Tiger Woods has to make peace between Israel and the Palestinians

It is not like this happens because Tiger is a celebrity because this type of scrutinty doesn’t happened to other athletes, rock-stars or politicians. When Brad Pitt rocks Angelina Jolie while married to the chick with the big nips from Friends people embrace it with ‘Team Angelina’ and ‘Team Jennifer’ TShirts.   When Mick Jagger tags that Brazillian model, he’s not vilified he’s envied. When David Bechkam is pictured with another chick it makes headlines but doesn’t bring out vile and hatred, it just gets written off as celebrity activity. I guess they are all examples of Hollywood royalty and although we might be disappointed in the transgressor, we don’t take it that personally. Nobody else has to pass the moral-compass of the free-world.

In politics where we might expect more virtue the reaction is more of the same. When John Edwards gets busted with his out-of-wedlock kid, the entire world feels bad for his wife but they don’t feel like he owes them an apology. When Spitzer gets outed as Client#9 it becomes an instant joke. When Bubba gets a BJ from the fat chick in the oval office people were up in arms because he disgraced the office but nobody pretends that he did anything to them personally.  

In Tiger’s case it’s almost different. It doesn’t feel like people care whether his wife forgives him as much as they want a personal apology, the guy swings a golf-club for a living who gives a crap where he sticks his putter?

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