Monday, April 5, 2010

Getting egg on your face sucks but it does not compare to getting meatball on your shirt

Subway has been ahead of the curve on many things and has basically cornered the market on fast food sandwiches and there $5 footlong advertisement is brilliant
Although I won't splurge too often, today I broke open the wallet and sprang for the old $5 footlong meatball marinara and piled it high with every topping they offer, the problem is that the Subway Bread, although tasty doesn't have the tensile-strength necessary to hold everything they offer.

But what I don't understand is why they got rid of the Subway wedge. The concept was genius where they cut a triangle into the sandwich which served as a nice pocket for your meat, veggies, toppings and sauces but a few years ago they stopped this and went to the traditional cut-through the center sandwich.  The wedge cut was perfect because it ensures the the meatballs stay in the sandwich.

Well they must have done a market survey because a few years ago they got rid of this wonderful concept and now I got meatball sauce on my shirt as I am en route to see a customer.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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